

Enhancement Requests

If you’ve got ideas about how we can make our products work better for you, don’t keep them to yourself. SimplySwim’s product teams are always looking for ways to enhance our products, and many good ideas come from product users like you.

There’s a place you can go enter these suggestions. Just go to the SimplySwim Support Centre and follow the instructions – visit https://support.simplyswim.com.au/.

Don’t be shy! This is a great way to make your wishes known.

What to Expect

We sincerely appreciate product feedback and ideas. Please note that most product development lifecycles often last 6 – 18 months. Features and functions are often locked down well in advance. At the same time, we use an iterative approach to development in many product areas. For these reasons, the timeframe for status updates to requests submitted to us will vary.

Please refer to content guidelines for examples on creating effective request submissions.

Content Guidelines

Please use ENGLISH when entering requests. Capturing adequate detail in a requirement request is very important for SimplySwim’s product management teams. The typical content of a good request would include the description of functionality in the context of a particular role for the purpose of achieving a benefit.

Often, the best way to write that requirement is to define it the form of a user story. Here is an example framework that is simple but yet effective.

As a {describe the role} I would like {describe the feature/enhancement} so that I can {describe the business or technical goal}…